We do not work with trademarked logos.
Now offering revamped styles of boards!
All of our boards are cut with precision on our industrial Laguna Smart Shop CNC and assembled by hand for premium quality boards and are crafted out of 3/4" Baltic Birch.
Boards are all directly printed for the highest quality graphics in the industry, and are clear coated with several thick coats of polyurethane for the ultimate playability and smooth tops.
Social Series:
(Level Up Legs upgrade not available with Social Series)
23.75" x 47.75" tops with a 6" hole
2.6" x 46" x 22" rails
3" front from ground level
12" back from ground level
.75" thick legs
Carry handles in both sides of frames
Comp Series (ACL Comp Stamp):
Additional upgrades:
.75" thick standarad legs with optional 1.5" thick legs (additional $15)
3.75" leg brace/airmail blocker
Double braced underside
Diamond Series (ACL Elite Stamp):
Additional upgrades:
1.5" thick legs standard with optional 2.25" thick legs (additional $15)
Additional 33" horizontal brace underneath
"Diamond Plate" area underneath for additional bracing and noise dampening
7" oversized airmail blocker/leg brace
Unique frame design
The Diamond Series boards come with free design & customization.
Bags are not included with purchase of boards. If "Yes, I need bags" is selected, the bags are a high quality duck canvas bag with plastic resin filling. Please select 2 colors for your bags. All orders without color preferences will receive bags in 2 colors that coordinate with the boards.
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Colorado's ONLY Full-Service Cornhole Company!
Follow us: @iheartcornhole
Come check out our store! Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm
2403 4th Ave, Greeley, CO 80631
(720) 201-6607 - info@iheartcornhole.com
PriceFrom $239.00